20 November - 9 December 2015
"Very strange," she said, "I think I'm shrinking, now I can go through that door."
Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll.
Some people think that what Alice experienced in worderland is a fantasy while others think that it is utopia or the definition of the 'strange', the 'non-standard.' In the context of this exhibition, it is, first of all, the everyday, ordinary way we exist. In another sense, our daily life consists of adapting to what is outside of our borders, simply obeying. Our mind usually perceives this adaption as ordinary. In other words, we distort our minds, behaviors and sometimes bodies to comply with what is existing, that we encounter at every corner. As Alice grows smaller, we open up and shut down with our mind and adapt our self, walk, attitude according to the environment.
Through such a reading, it is possible to regard Alice as a dystopia rather than a utopia. In between the lines, we can read the normalization of the irrational, the appearance of the deformation as a way of living, and the acceptance of the involuntary without questioning.
On the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland, ALICE exhibition curated by Sine Ergün will take place at maumau, Studio KEIN, and Space Debris between November 20th to December 9th, 2015.
Artists: Mona Aghababaee, Rafet Arslan, Cins, Fulya Çetin, Itır Demir, Sana Ghobbeh, Cansu Gürsu, Agustín Rincón Méndez, Motus.Lumina, Özgü Özbudak, Ana Bravo Pérez, Mariela Pessah, SABO, Krystallia Sakellariou, Byron Toledo, Marieke Warmelink, Atalay Yavuz, Gülhatun Yıldırım.
Curated by: Sine Ergün
Studio KEIN
Space Debris

Don’t Judge Me
oil on canvas // 24x18cm // 2015